ProLon Recap
Last week I completed my second ProLon fast, and I wanted to give you my review and a few tips. My first ProLon was the first week of July this past summer when I deeply needed a reset. The recommendation from ProLon is to do three fasts within a three month range. Since we’re living in a time warp, I wasn’t able to pull that off. But both times I did the cleanse, it reset my cravings and made me more aware of what I was eating and when.
My “why” for doing this cleanse is twofold. First, it’s simply because I’d like to lose 10 pounds and thought this would help kickstart my journey. Second, with holiday recipe testing and creation under way, I need to tone down my intense sugar cravings! Plus, after reading some of the information on the ProLon site, I was interested in the “cellular reboot” and possible health benefits.

Day 1
I’m ready for a reset and can’t wait to dive in. While I’m starting on a Monday, I wish I had started on Sunday. Isn’t that always the way? It would be much better, in my humble opinion, to finish on Thursday night and have Friday back to normal.
The Q&A on the ProLon site says you can have an 8-ounce cup of black coffee if you’re experiencing caffeine withdrawl symptons. I think you guys know how much I love my coffee, and I drink it black. So I started the day with a double shot of espresso (about 3-4 ounces of strong coffee), which also kept me full and satisfied until I ate my bar at 10am.
I typically don’t eat breakfast until mid-morning, so that’s my normal breakfast time. I cut the bar into very thin slices every morning. It made the bar last longer and made me slow down.
The soup I had for lunch today was butternut squash and I added 1/2 teaspoon curry powder. I loved the flavor it added. My dinner soup was black bean and I added 1/2 teaspoon cumin and 1/4 teaspoon garlic powder. No added salt was necessary.
When making the soup, here’s a tip to keep it from getting clumpy: Get your water simmering before you add the powder mix. Whisk the mixture continually on a low heat until the powder dissolves. My husband made his soup at work with microwaved water and he tended to have clumpy soup. A good whisk is your friend!
There was plenty of food today and I wasn’t hungry. If I ever had the urge to snack, I made an herbal tea.
It’s off to sleep at 11pm, about an hour or more before I typically nod off. Ready to get some zzzz’s.
Day 2
My lunch soup was tomato and I added 1/2 teaspoon tandoori spice to my soup (it was delish!). I added daal spice to the butternut squash soup (I prefer the dried curry spice, though).
I have a headache today, and I’m guessing that’s because I’m consuming less caffeine. I took a 30 minute late afternoon nap which helped me get through the day.
Still tired tonight so got in bed at 8:30pm to read. Asleep by 9:30pm.
Day 3
Today was my hardest day. I was irritable by the late afternoon and through dinner time. Today is a low-calorie day and I was hungry for sure. I also did a mellow workout this morning. ProLon recommends you listen to your body when it comes to exercise. They don’t recommend strenuous exercise while fasting as it may contribute to dehydration and accelerate negative nitrogen balance (your body’s use of protein). So, while fasting, it’s best to keep activity light and do things like walking, yoga, and stretching.
My workout was only 30 minutes and included low weights and stretches, but it could have been just enough to deplete my energy sources.
Lots of water and tea today! I had a piece of celery with dinner which tasted amazing (LOL). I needed a little something extra to get me through the day.
I also used a small wedge of lemon to flavor my hibiscus tea today and it tasted so refreshing!
The only soups I don’t really care for are the spinach and white bean (this was one of my husband’s favorites, so you may love it!) and the butternut squash with quinoa. I may not have cooked the quinoa long enough because it was always a little crunchy. But if you add 1/2 teaspoon of dried curry powder to the soup, the flavor is great.
Missing my Choco bar something fierce.

Day 4
I feel great today, so much better than yesterday for some reason. I’m still doing my double shot of espresso every morning, but I don’t crave more than that. I’m super productive today, which also coincides with the first day all three of my children are in school for a full day. So there’s that! I’m feeling like I have this down, and the only thing I’m craving for some reason is roasted Brussels sprouts. I call that a win!
Day 5
Almost there! It’s a Friday, which is usually a date night or takout night in my house, so I’m missing my kickoff to the weekend. But it’s just one night and it’s a busy day, so I’ll make it no problem. I get a little hungry in the late afternoon and have a couple carrot sticks. I did another short workout (without cardio) this morning, and it’s definitely made me more hungry than yesterday.
I wish I always drank this much water and decaffeinated beverages. I’ve come to realize that instead of listening to my body when I’m tired (by resting) I drink caffeine to keep going and push through.

Final Thoughts
I’m glad I did it. I’m glad it’s over.
I lost 5 pounds and feel rested. The day after I finished, my skin looked freaking radiant, if I do say so myself. I finished ProLon craving vegetables and a glass of really crisp French Sancerre. I would love to do this again in November and December, but we’re heading into the holidays, so I’m not sure I can commit.
If you need to get control of your cravings or kick start a reset, I highly recommend you give ProLon a try. While I still have 6 pounds to lose (I gained one back this week) I do think my focus on veggies, sleep and lots of water will serve me well moving forward into the holidays. This link will give you 15% off your order of ProLon, just use the code PROLON15 at checkout.
As always, feel free to email or leave a comment below. And if you have any of your own tips to add, please share them below!
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