Summer Travel Workout
One of the things I love most about vacation is lazy morning walks, best if taken on a beach. Hotel gyms are another vacation treat that always feels like such a luxury. “Would you like cold water?” Why yes, yes I would! This post is a bit different from my typical recipe or meal plan, but it’s something useful for you all! A summer travel workout that may be helpful as you hit the road this summer.
Since June, I’ve reconnected with a longtime personal trainer and friend, Cassie, who co-owns Avenu Fitness with her husband Brent. I met her right after I had my second baby and we were still very new to Houston. It was the first time I had ever worked out with a trainer, and I can tell you I have never been more sore in my life. That second baby just finished his freshman year of high school, FYI. My workouts with Cassie are online via Zoom and I LOVE the format. It’s so time-efficient for me (no driving to and fro!) and has helped me regain the strength and fitness that I lost during the wine and Netflix-fueled days of lockdown.
Cassie developed a vacation workout that I can take to Cabo with me later this week. I’m excited to share it with you all and give it a whirl before my daily dose of pool/book/tequila/repeat. File this away for your summer travel plans. You can do it anywhere! It’s a bodyweight workout, so no equipment is needed. Just cut and paste the plan below into a note on your phone. Or print it out and tuck it in your suitcase. You can also watch Avenu’s 15-minute bodyweight workout for more ideas.
P.S. No meal plan this Sunday! Enjoy your Memorial Day Weekend! Just make this and call it a party! Or this. Or this with biscuits, scones, or toasted rustic bread and jam.
Body Weight Workout
Warm Up (Repeat 2x):
World’s Greatest Stretch: 20 seconds per side. The world’s greatest stretch is similar to a runner’s lunge, but with a twist. If your right knee is on the ground behind you, lunge forward and place your left foot in front. Your left arm reaches under your right arm to give yourself a hug and then you open up your left arm towards your left knee and reach for the ceiling.
Toe Touch/Hamstring Plank Walkout: 20 seconds per side
Alternating Shoulder Touches in Plank Position: 20 seconds per side
Both Feet Down Bridging: 20 seconds per side
Explosive (Repeat 3x):
Broad jump forward with 3 little hops back: 8 reps
Straight Spine Sit-Ups: 15 reps
Leg Strength (Repeat 3x; rest as needed or 60 secs between each round):
Body Weight Squat: 10 reps
Alternating Reverse Lunge: 10 reps per leg
Lateral Lunge (lunging out the side, keep head and shoulders up): 10 reps (all one side, then the other)
Explosive Leg Finisher:
Jump Squat: 10 reps
Upper Body Strength (Repeat 3x; rest as needed or 60 secs between each round):
Turkish Get Up: 10 reps per side
Laying Hyperextension: 10 reps (similar to a “super man” stretch)
Push Ups: 10 reps
Lateral Crawl: 10 steps right and 10 steps left
Explosive Finisher: Plank Walk Up: 10 reps
Conditioning (Repeat 3-4x, resting 20 seconds in between):
Lateral Shuffle: 30 secs each. Drop bottom down to touch the ground, reaching your arm across the body to touch the floor (so you left arm would touch outside your right foot when shuffling to the right).
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