The Final Stretch
We have one more week of middle school, and two more weeks of high school. We need an easy weekly meal plan that won’t get complaints from the peanut gallery. I’ve polled my family to get their requests, which is something I typically do on the weekend. We’re ready to tackle this week!
I have an online cooking class for my cooking school members, so we’re making some of my favorites! Cajun-spiced chicken breasts, sliced thin so they’re pan-seared quickly. Indian-spiced marinated tomatoes and cous cous on the side. The tomatoes are cut in wedges and marinated with ginger, jalapeƱos, green onions and cilantro. They are insanely delicious!
Homemade sushi and miso soup for dinner. I’ll grab some sushi-grade tuna at Central Market and make a big batch of sushi rice. I use this rice in my old-school rice maker. We also like to add julienned cucumber, carrots, jalapeƱos and avocado. Sometimes spicy sriracha mayo makes an appearance as well. I ordered my sushi mats from Amazon and I just saw this silicone version which would be so much easier to clean! I love this pickled ginger and prepared wasabi on the side.
Indian ground beef keema with Instant Pot chana dal on the side. I’ll add a side of steamed broccoli to have something green.
Turkey burgers with pickled red onions and pesto pea salad. Done!
Tomorrow is National Pizza Party day (don’t ask me how I know that!). To celebrate, we’re cooking off a batch of pizza dough topped with Rao’s marinara (not too much, just a thin layer), buffalo mozzarella and basil. Toss up a big colorful salad on the side.
Last day of school for my 7th grader. I can not believe she will have her last year of middle school next year and I’ll have a senior. Get ready for a lot of emoting. We’re heading out to dinner to celebrate, if you’re cooking at home why don’t you fire up the grill and make a strawberry-basil smash and baked feta and tomato confit. Grab some crusty bread to soak up the flavor of extra-virgin olive oil, garlic, and soft roasted tomatoes. It’s like eating candy!
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